Lopar - "Sandy paradise"

Lopar has 22 sandy beaches and many smaller picturesque coves. Visitors have recognized their charms over 120 years ago, and they have remained equally appealing for tourists from around the world. These beaches are famous for their crystal clear, shallow and warm sea. Not many destinations boast such a large number of natural coves with wonderful sandy beaches. We can say that Lopar is "heaven on earth".

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Nakon razmatranja potrebe za osnivanjem Udruge iznajmljivača obiteljskog smještaja na svim tijelima Turističke zajednice općine Lopar, u subotu, 21.04.2018. na redovitom godišnjem Zboru iznajmljivača osnovana je Udruga za područje Općine Lopar. Inicijativni odbor za osnivanje Udruge bilo je Turističko vijeće i Ured TZO Lopar, koji su izradili i prijedlog Statuta Udruge.

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Loparska noć


Ribarska večer


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